Informal Musings: Drew Lock Mid-Season 2019

Hi guys, last time I weighed in on the Drew Lock situation, I framed it as a response to Tyler Polumbus’s tweet. Which, in retrospect, was probably not the best way to present my opinion of the situation. So I hope you won’t mind if I therefore clarify my stance, and also share what I observed when I went back and studied Drew Lock’s preseason footage.

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Guide to Biomechanical Efficiency Part 2

(if you haven’t already, you can read part 1 of this series by clicking here)

Mammalian Development

Mammalian development can be seen as a microcosm of tetrapod evolution.  Mammals begin life as fertilized eggs– as do fish, amphibians, reptiles, and birds.  At the earliest stages of fetal development, mammals appear like tadpoles (amphibians) with buds for limbs.

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Guide to Biomechanical Efficiency Part 1

The following guide will attempt to explain what exactly is meant by the term “biomechanical efficiency”. Since this is a complex topic that requires far more space than is available here, the guide will be a simplified explanation, broken down into three parts: part one will introduce the evolution of biomechanics in human ancestors, part two will explore mammalian biomechanics (and how mammals came to dominate most ecosystems), and part three will examine how modern human biomechanics have diverged from those of our ancestors. 

Part One 

In its simplest definition, biomechanical efficiency is a measure of blood-flow– areas that are efficient receive and release blood very quickly on demand, whereas inefficient areas show interrupted or stymied flow.  By a slightly more expanded definition, efficiency is also a measure of musculoskeletal development, lymphatic flow, and muscle response time.  However, what truly determines biomechanical efficiency– and is the biomechanical mesh underlying each of these measures— is the human fascial system.  The fascial system feeds and drains blood/ lymph (and thus supplies oxygen/ removes waste), builds tissues, and provides its own muscular action.  As such, a measure of biomechanical efficiency is actually a measure of fascial development. 

Measuring biomechanical efficiency can be very useful for analyzing, understanding, and predicting the patterns of athletes (particularly NFL players).  The best players show high levels of efficiency in fascial areas most relevant to their playing position, while poor efficiency can be predictive of non-contact injuries and/ or ineffective traits. 

But in order to understand the human fascial system, we first need to understand its evolution.  Beginning with our very first vertebrate ancestors and the common ancestor to all non-insect land animals:

Continue reading Guide to Biomechanical Efficiency Part 1

Biomechanical Review: Dwayne Haskins Update/ Revision

(To see the original top 3 QB article, click here)

When evaluating tape and building biomechanical profiles, there generally comes a point when the profile “clicks”- when predicting the outcome of a play changes from a matter of mystery to a matter of mechanics. While I reached this point with Drew Lock several weeks ago, I never truly reached this point with Dwayne Haskins- when continuing to review his tape, I would still find myself surprised with the outcome of certain plays. Given that I had carefully mapped 5 out his 6 major areas (anterior cervical/ thoracic/ lumbar and posterior thoracic/ lumbar), it was therefore clear that I had to focus my attention on Haskins’ posterior cervical area if I were to reach a satisfying biomechanical catharsis.

Continue reading Biomechanical Review: Dwayne Haskins Update/ Revision